15 WTF Moments From King Kong Vs. Godzilla

2. Ham-Fisted Moral Messaging

Godzilla films always have some form of moral message inherent to them, usually pertaining to atomic power and abuse of it in relation to the environment. Sometimes these themes are subtly woven into the fabric of the films, but most of the time they are executed with the subtlety of a hammer. Even by these standards, King Kong vs. Godzilla ends on one of the clunkiest, most shoe-horned in moral messages of the franchise€™s history. The film ends with one of the human characters randomly stating that we have a lot to learn from plants and animals, and we must treat them with more respect. The reason this is so cringe-worthy is because at no point did the film make any attempt to establish this as a theme. Sure, you may find bits pertaining to it here and there peppered throughout the story, but as a whole it never takes the time to develop this idea. It€™s just tacked on at the end, as if every Godzilla film has to somehow tie back to the ideas of the first film. It€™s just so silly and corny, but hey, that€™s a Godzilla film for you. You can€™t help but love it.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.