15 WTF Moments From King Kong Vs. Godzilla

12. Kong€™s First Appearance Is Comical

Soon after arriving on Faro Island, and after a decent amount of build up, King Kong himself finally makes an appearance, and it is€completely underwhelming in every way. King Kong vs. Godzilla is notorious for containing the worst representation of King Kong in the history of the character. Both the design and execution are absolutely terrible. Kong€™s face is ugly and completely lacking in personality, his arms are floppy and lifeless, and the entire design is just off-putting. The original King Kong portrayed the character in a more convincing and aesthetically pleasing way, and that film was near 30 years old at the time this film was released. It is absolutely laugh inducing, but in a way oddly appropriate given the comical tone of the film. Still, it could have used a better Kong; there's no denying that fact.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.