15 WTF Moments From King Kong Vs. Godzilla

8. Godzilla€™s Happy Clapping

Kong is not the only one to be made more child friendly in this film. Godzilla too is portrayed in a less threatening manner; taking on a more human persona. Sure, he is still the €œbad guy€ of the film and retains his destructive roots, but he comes off more as the oblivious jerk to Kong€™s lovable schlub. You can see this in the way Godzilla behaves, clapping his hands with glee. It€™s just so bizarre, and one of the King of the Monsters€™ more perplexing behaviours. This clapping is accompanied by a strange crunching sound, almost as if Godzilla is cracking his knuckles. Hindsight has shown that this oddball antic was merely the beginning of the weirdly human behaviours Godzilla would exhibit as the series went on.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.