16 Actors Confirmed For Star Wars Episode IX

8. Domnhall Gleeson - General Armitage Hux

Star Wars The Last Jedi Hux Domhnall Gleeson

Once a formidable component of the First Order machine, The Last Jedi reduced Hux to a pratfalling moron, face-planting the floor as Snoke humiliated him, not to mention later being swatted to the side by Kylo Ren.

Though Hux was never remotely threatening, he perfectly represented the blowhard hubris that embodies the most cocksure elements of the Empire/First Order.

Episode VII had him very clearly channeling Hitler speeches to rally troops against the Republic, and going into Episode IX, it'll be interesting to see how Abrams pairs his complete lack of power and restrained demeanour against Kylo's exploration of authority.

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