16 Actors Confirmed For Star Wars Episode IX

7. Kelly Marie Tran - Rose Tico

Star Wars The Last Jedi Rose Finn

You can hear the sucked-air-through-teeth from here. Rose Tico is possibly the most controversial character in Star Wars since Jar Jar Binks.

Given a role she played with loveable affection, the reality of Tico's actions in The Last Jedi script contributed to the protracted Canto Bight sequence, a forced environmental message and the denial of Finn sacrificing himself for the greater good... just so we could see one of the most awkward kisses in cinema history.

Again though, Kelly Marie has been having a blast with the role away from set, and there is something worth mining script-wise as far as "meeting your heroes and becoming one yourself" goes.

The latter has literally been the mandate for thousands of your favourite RPG games over the years, and here's to Rose getting something to do that makes all of us cheer.

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