16 Actors Confirmed For Star Wars Episode IX

15. Daisy Ridley - Rey

Star Wars The Last Jedi Rey lightsaber

Once the unassuming scavenger-turned-powerful force user, Rey's role in Episode IX has to be carrying forward the teachings of the Jedi.

Granted, she has a lot of catching up to do herself on the specifics of force powers and lightsaber techniques, but eagle eyed viewers noted that the close of The Last Jedi does confirm the sacred Jedi texts made it off Ahch-To, being housed in the Millennium Falcon.

As mentioned earlier, Rey will likely continue her furtive relationship with Kylo, as though it was apparently Snoke who connected the pair through mind-melding Force powers, they did share another connection after his death, before Rey boarded the Falcon.

Key to providing the alliance with hope and the enemy leader with an achilles heel, Rey's role in everything could be more integral than ever.

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