16 Actors Confirmed For Star Wars Episode IX

10. Anthony Daniels & Jimmy Vee - C3P0 & R2D2

R2d2 C3p0 Tatooine Desert

A staple of Star Wars' visual ephemera, R2D2 is the only one of these two that's been given anything meaningful to do. And even then, it was "wait in the corner until we activate you".

Thankfully Daniels and Vee appear to get along a lot better than the former and Kenny Baker ever did, and "it just wouldn't be Star Wars", without Threepio and Artoo.

In terms of where they were last seen, both characters are currently aboard the Millennium Falcon, meeting up with the rest of the rebels after Rey's stone-levitating save.

Frankly, they've had very little to do in the last two episodes, but Abrams pulling out all the stops in the script department could mean these lovable droids are finally given some meaningful actions in Episode IX.

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