16 Actors Confirmed For Star Wars Episode IX

11. Oscar Isaac - Poe Dameron

star wars Poe Dameron

Another character that stalled in Episode VIII, Isaac's Poe had an energetic presence across The Force Awakens, showcasing his piloting skills by blowing away many First Order troopers in a blaze of X-Wing spins and loop de loops.

In Episode VIII we had some character growth by way of him learning to respect authority and select more tactically when to strike or commit to an operation - both things that will aid Poe in being a better leader overall.

With Carrie Fisher sadly passed away, it does bode well for him becoming the leader of that particular rebel sect, as Princess Leia also intoned during Last Jedi's finale.

It could make for a much more engaging role than Episode VIII, and here's to Poe getting to do far more vehicle-related things this time, too.

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