1. Ryan Reynolds - Green Lantern/X-Men Origins: Wolverine/Blade III/RIPD/Deadpool
It is becoming increasingly clear that Hollywood really wants Ryan Reynolds to succeed in a comic book movie, and nobody will let anything like the small matter of precedent to get in the way of that. Having already played parts in four comic book movies, Reynolds is currently attached to the Deadpool solo movie that may or may not happen, depending on whether Marvel decide that the potential of having him try again with the character with a good, source-friendly script outweighs the unavoidable awfulness of what X-Men Origins did to Wade Wilson. However you look at it, Reynolds' four comic book movies to date have all been bombs - some more than others - and while he is still eminently watchable, you have to suspect that some of the continued faith in him might well be ignoring the painfully obvious context. Which other actors have you spotted in multiple comic book movies? Share your picks below in the comments thread.