16 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy The Matrix Trilogy

10. Monica Bellucci's Distracting Sexiness (Reloaded & Revolutions)

To those who don't watch a lot of French movies, Reloaded introduced many to beautiful French actress Monica Bellucci, who played the Merovingian's (Lambert Wilson) partner Persephone. Kitted out in a cleavage-enhancing, figure-hugging outfit in Reloaded, she drew viewer attention for practically every second she was on screen, causing all that nonsense about asking Neo to kiss her somehow make sense (or, at least make viewers not care about how ridiculous it sounds). This was just the start, though, because an early scene in Revolutions has Trinity visiting Club Hell to talk to Merv again, and of course, Persephone once again sits at his side, kitted out in the most ridiculous, boob-displaying latex costume imaginable, with viewers absolutely certain that Bellucci's little remaining modesty might spill out of her outfit at any second. Paying attention to anything anyone is saying whenever she's on screen is a challenge of steel concentration and level 9000 eye contact, and as such, that's probably why she doesn't appear again in the movie after this brief exchange. Needless to say, Bellucci's Google index likely shot up on the day of this movie's release.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.