16 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy The Matrix Trilogy

9. Attack Of The Awful CGI (Reloaded)

In fairness, the original Matrix actually holds up insanely well effects-wise, likely because the Wachowskis used CGI relatively sparingly (at least compared to the sequels), and the only effect that particularly sticks out as dated is when a door is catapulted towards the camera during the lobby explosion. Everything else? Pretty damn rock solid, if not awesome. Reloaded, however, falls foul in one particular scene: the Burly Brawl. There's this weird texture to Neo, the pole he's using to beat up the Smiths, and the Smiths themselves: everything looks artificial, like it's made out of rubber, making the entire, lengthy fight seem distractingly digital. Though it gets points for its ambition, ultimately the scene is a goofy footnote, something to endure in Reloaded rather than enjoy, unaided by some rather cartoonish flourishes, like Neo spinning around in a circle, kicking the Smiths, and that infamous skittle sound effect when he knocks a bunch of them over. Revolutions fares pretty well during the Zion battle sequence, though trips over itself big time during the absurd Super Brawl between Smith and Neo, even if that's down more to the overt ridiculousness of the fight than the effects in particular.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.