16 Critically Dismissed Recent Movies (That Weren't As Bad As You Think)

14. Robin Hood (2018)

Venom Artwork

Rotten Tomatoes: 15% (Average Score: 3.68/10)

Critical Consensus: Robin Hood robs from rich source material, but is ultimately just another poor attempt to needlessly gussy up a classic tale with amped-up action and modern special effects.

This will probably be the most controversial inclusion on this list.

In fairness to reviewers, Robin Hood (2018) had 'Box office bomb' written all over it and seemed like a pointless attempt to launch a franchise from the off, so it was hard to be optimistic going in. That being said, with an open mind you may well discover that Robin Hood, while deeply flawed, isn't quite the absolute turkey it was made out to be.

It's filled with enjoyable action sequences, the performances from Taron Egerton, Jamie Foxx and Ben Mendelsohn are very entertaining and there's a crazy sense of glee running through the whole thing which prevents it from ever being boring.

There are also plenty of issues, especially in the script, but it remains a reasonably enjoyable action film and hardly seems worthy of such a savage critical mauling, as well as all those nominations at the Razzies. A more mixed critical response would've reflected it far better.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.