16 Deleted Comic Book Movie Scenes You're Not Allowed To See

2. Young Michael Caine - Kingsman: The Secret Service

Young CGI Michael Caine In Kingsman Deleted Scene

De-aging is becoming an increasingly confident statement in modern movies - and we've now seen in twice to great effect in MCU movies alone. Matthew Vaughn's Kingsman would also have included an impressive looking sequence if the director had stuck to his original plans.

In an earlier cut of the film, Michael Caine's duplicitous Arthur - head of the secret service and secretly a bad guy - was seen in a flashback sequence set in 1975, turning the clock back to Caine's own spy heyday. Quite what the scene even entailed remains unrevealed, but still images were released showing off the de-aging effects in work as Arthur threatened a target with a gun.

Why It Was Cut

Mark Millar has subsequently revealed that the scene compromised the film's pace, which is a major shame because Caine looks incredible.

Why it hasn't been revealed remains to be seen too, but it may simply be that it was never finished the de-aging effects were no doubt costly in the first place, and if it was so obviously wrong for the film, it's unlikely they even completed it.


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