16 Great Recent Movies The Oscars Outrageously Snubbed

12. Macbeth

Drive Ryan Gosling

Nominated For:

Absolutely nothing.

An awards-season movie that didn't actually get many awards, this one was an unexpected flop. Perhaps it was too dark and favored visuals over Shakespeare's writing too much for the voters. This adaptation, which remains tragically underrated, is a bit of acquired taste, but if you can acquire the taste then you're in for a real treat.

This is a fabulous adaptation of the Scottish play. Although the actors mumble the dialogue a bit at times and Lady Macbeth's role is reduced in an irritating manner, it still gets the power of the source material across with ease.

The cinematography is brilliant, Michael Fassbender is a boss in the lead role, the direction is wonderful and it's such an atmospheric and haunting representation of the story. The film shouldn't be bashed for being a very cinematic rendering of the famous play that is more focused on imagery than dialogue. It's just the way they decided to do it, and that's part of the enduring magic of Shakespeare: his work allows broad interpretation.

Oscar nods for Best Director, Best Cinematography and other technical elements should've been on the cards, and since it was the better performance, Michael Fassbender should have been nominated for this instead of Steve Jobs. Hopefully one day this one will become a cult classic. Fingers crossed.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.