16 Movie Characters Who Were Killed For Being Clichés

13. Pvt Dizzy Flores - Starship Troopers

The Cliche: Two-Fold, but mostly because she gets exactly what she wants the night before a major military operation. Doubly damned, Dizzy is not only the other woman (who seems a far more sensible choice for Rico than the snooty Karmen), she also has sex with the object of her rampant desire just before they go into battle. If she was in Game Of Thrones, she'd basically have been walking around with a great big dead meat sign on her forehead. Dizzy is an unfortunate character, basically used as a plot device to make Rico into a bad-ass, as well as reinforcing his sexual potency and simultaneously reminding everyone that war really isn't a lark, especially when it's in space and you're fighting gigantic mosquitoes that for some reason are under the malevolent control of a suspiciously vaginal looking Brain Bug. Starship Troopers seemingly has a big issue with vaginas: not only does a big one control the enemy, but a much smaller one almost gets Rico killed, while the yearning of Dizzy's gets her killed. So basically, just be wary of vaginas.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.