16 Movie Characters Who Were Killed For Being Clichés

12. Maureen & Phil - Scream 2

The Cliche: Being the minority characters, despite having the most middle American suburban white names in the entire film series. Scream firmly established that Wes Craven was all about self-referential nods and trope-busting, so nobody can have had too much hope for Jada Pinkett-Smith and Omar Epps on their date to see Stab at the local multiplex. It wasn't just that they were a couple on a date, which might have been enough of a cliche for Craven to bring down Ghostface's knife on them, because they had something more problematic for their survival: they had their ethnicity. It's beyond a cliche to say that minority characters tend not to fair well in horror films, and if there was any doubt that the couple are killed for the colour of their skin, there's a moment later in the film when one of the only other minority characters - cameraman Joel - gives the cliche a name when he leaves town to avoid hie inevitable demise with the words "brothers don't last long in situations like this."

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