16 Problems Nobody Wants To Admit About Captain America: Civil War

2. The Downer Ending

Iron Man Civil War
Marvel Studios

So far, even with Age Of Ultron killing off a character and breaking up the Avengers team, there hasn't been a real downer ending in the MCU. The franchise's story-telling principles seem to be very rigidly defined by the three act model that demands a happy ending and resolution, and deviating any model has got to be classed as a gamble.

But Civil War is defined by its downer ending. Though things are sort of resolved by the end of the main conflict (at least by the removal of the leader of the opposition), the unhappy ending is so tied to future events and arcs (particularly Avengers Disassembled, House of M, Decimation, and Silent War, that it is in no way a full-stop. It's supposed to herald a new, uncertain dawn, which Age Of Ultron already did to a lesser extent.

Clearly, Marvel's Phase model means they have to use all of their stand-alones to tie into one unified narrative - the next step being Infinity War - so how they're going to offer a resolution that ties into that as well as satisfyingly leaving Civil War behind is a massive question. Unless - and this would be braver than the MCU has ever been - they're going to effectively make every other stand-alone before Infinity War a Civil War hangover movie?


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.