16 Problems Nobody Wants To Admit About Captain America: Civil War

1. It Should Be Two Movies (At Least)

Iron Man Civil War

A significant number of the potential pitfalls for Civil War point to the fact that it should have been two movies, as Infinity War will be. Admittedly that would have been a hell of a lot easier for fans to accept had it been an Avengers movie and Infinity War had come later, but the sentiment remains.

There is simply two much going on heading into Civil War - the New Avengers, Bucky, Peggy Carter, the superhero registration act, the question of Hulk, the new villains, the old HYDRA wounds - to pack into two and a half hours (there's no way Marvel will go longer given the cuts they forced on Whedon).

The first movie should have been more in the vein of The Winter Soldier, looking at the build-up to the Act, as well as Cap finding and helping Bucky (including Zemo's nefarious presence), and then ending with the registration act and Spider-Man's unmasking. And then the second should have been the war itself, hero v hero, up to Cap's death. Quite why something as simple as that formula wasn't accepted at the planning stage is a little baffling.

And if Marvel were really smart, they'd have released the second movie as Iron Man: Civil War, and made their billions from both.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.