16 Problems Nobody Wants To Admit About Captain America: Civil War

12. Death In The MCU Carries No Weight

Iron Man Civil War
Marvel Comics

As with most comic book events, death played a major part in the weight of the narrative. Not only does the trigger event lead to the deaths of innocent schoolkids (something the MCU would never be ballsy enough to do), but Goliath also bought the big one - a pivotal moment that leads to several heroes switching sides.

But how do you sell death - and specifically Goliath's death - as a watershed moment if Marvel have so far refused to deal in it at all. Anyone - other than villains and Quicksilver - who looked remotely like they might die was saved improbably, and even the devastation caused by the Chitauri invasion and Hulk's rampage didn't really have a death-toll.

Even if there's a shift in focus and the MCU welcomes the grim reaper, as well as the genuine threat needed to sell the gravitas of the arc, few are going to actually believe that the deaths involved fully matter. Someone else might replace Goliath, but there's no precedent for the key death to even matter.

And as for Cap's apparent death, there are some suggestions that Marvel might even avoid that and try and tempt Chris Evans to stick around. Either way, even him falling won't really have the necessary power.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.