16 Problems Nobody Wants To Admit About Captain America: Civil War

11. Whatever Happened To Betty Ross?

Iron Man Civil War
Universal Pictures

Betty Ross was always going to be an inconvenience for the MCU. She was involved in The Incredible Hulk in a big way, so was (probably begrudgingly) made canon by the defined boundaries of Phase One, but she just got in the way of the early-laid plans to have Big Green and Black Widow share something. Dark inner monsters uniting over inappropriate work place flirtation.

When her father reappears in Civil War - still acted by the same actor (this is a good decision, of course) - and presumably talks about his ongoing concerns about Hulk and superpowered beings in general, isn't someone going to wonder where Betty is? Obviously Hulk has been swept under the carpet, so there's going to be no awkward reunion there, but he was supposedly under surveillance long before he became an Avenger, so she's on file.

As admirable as the decision to bring in General Ross is, it poses too many questions of Hulk's past, what is actually canon, and why the MCU has just crossed its fingers and hoped that Betty Ross would sort of go away.


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