16 Problems Nobody Wants To Admit About Captain America: Civil War

8. The Market Is Too Busy

Iron Man Civil War
Warner Bros.

As long as the MCU was successful, it was always going to spawn its own competition. Impregnated by renewed confidence in the potential of their own comic book properties, DC, Fox and Sony all added concrete to their plans for expanded universes (ignoring that Marvel's success was dependent on a lot more than just unification). That means there's a lot of competition for almost all of Marvel's Phase 3 films.

The Winter Soldier managed to more than double The First Avenger's take at the box office thanks in part to a March release window that removed any direct competition whatsoever. Only Rio 2 and Noah came anywhere near threatening its box office take, and they didn't exactly share demographics.

But when Civil War comes out, it will follow Batman V Superman by a month and X-Men: Apocalypse follows it two weeks later. Whether you believe in the infinite capacity for comic book movie fans to spend money or not, having those three stacked together means there has to be some give somewhere. And when one hero v hero film has JUST come out, you have to suspect it's going to be here.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.