17 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy The Fast & Furious Franchise

5. Denzel Washington Turned Down A Major Part (Furious 7)

Disappointment surged the world over last summer when it was announced that Denzel Washington had turned down a part in Fast and Furious 7, reportedly a small role in the seventh film that would then have expanded to something much larger (possibly as the antagonist) in number eight. Kurt Russell ended up filling in for the part, and a great pick though he is, just imagine Denzel in a Fast and Furious movie... Though it's unsurprising that the picky Washington didn't sign on for the film, how awesome would it have been to see him mincing words with Dominic and Brian? It's easy to see how he might have stuck out in the Fast and Furious universe (a fact Vin Diesel himself alluded to), but it still would have been a major coup for the series, which has for the most part been curiously low on A-list actors with just a few exceptions.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.