17 Moments That Will Define Upcoming MCU Movies

6. Avengers Reborn - Avengers 4

Avengers Infinity War Promotional Art
Marvel Studios

Whatever happens at the end of Infinity War, it seems likely that we're going to see major characters incapacitated or even killed when Thanos gets his hands on all or even just some of the Infinity Stones. In short, it all has to get a lot worse before it can get better and we can probably expect the Avengers to be left in pieces.

To be honest, they're already in pieces after Civil War, but Thanos' conquest will see them brought back together only to be knocked down again. But once more, because heroes are resilient (and because there's a whole new Phase to look forward to), the Avengers will rise out of the ashes in one form or another.

And seeing this new team emerge is an incredibly exciting prospect in itself. It's likely to be led by either Doctor Strange or Captain Marvel and we can expect the likes of Spider-Man, Black Panther, Bucky, Ant-Man and The Wasp to be likely participants, assuming they all survive. Just seeing that new dynamic will be great.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.