17 Moments That Will Define Upcoming MCU Movies

11. Fury Loses His Eye - Captain Marvel

Nick Fury Iron Man
Marvel Studios

When it was announced that Captain Marvel was going into the past and would be set in the 90s for the character's origin and a look at the Skrull/Kree war, the film suddenly got even more exciting than it already was. Not only does it mean we get to see a great story, but it also opens up opportunities for Marvel Studios to bring out more period films, further expanding the scope of the MCU.

And then, on top of that, it was also announced that Nick Fury would be heavily involved AND that he'd have two eyes rather than sporting the fetching eye-patch. So presumably, we're going to see what grave injury causes him such damage.

It would have been absolutely fine for Fury to arrive in Captain Marvel's 90s setting with his eye already gone, but now that the decision has been made to make it a thing, it's suddenly become all the more interesting.


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