17 Moments That Will Define Upcoming MCU Movies

12. Adam's Revelation - Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3

adam warlock
Marvel Comics

Thanks to the end of Guardians of The Galaxy Vol 2, we know that the villain - or at least the instrument of villainy - in the threequel is going to be Adam Warlock. He was created in a rage by Ayesha when the Guardians disrespected the Sovereign people and escaped her vengeance as a weapon to deal with them.

According to his arc in the comics, Warlock was created as a perfect man but quickly rejected his masters and struck out on his own, eventually becoming a hero, and it would make sense for that to happen here as well. With that in mind, the prospect of seeing him turn on Ayesha and leave the Guardians alone will be great, particularly if it's going to lead to a stand-alone Adam Warlock movie.

It's not like that hasn't been rumoured for years, or anything...


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