17 Moments That Will Define Upcoming MCU Movies

9. Time Travel? - Avengers 4

Eye Of Agamotto Marvel

If set leaks are to be believed (and they might not be, given that Marvel are rumoured to be throwing curveballs and fake scenes out to put "ace scoop hunters" off the scent), then we're going to see some sort of time travel in Avengers 4.

Assuming that is the case, it seems that some of the Avengers are going to be heading back to the Battle Of New York for some reason - presumably linked to the Infinity Stones and defeating Thanos. Logic would determine that it would involve Doctor Strange and the Eye Of Agamotto too, since it's powered by the Time Stone.

Whatever the cause and reason, seeing the older Avengers (or whichever ones survive Infinity War) heading into the past and potentially meeting their younger selves is going to be incredible. Plus it gives the Russos a chance to improve the Battle Of New York.


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