18 Crucial Questions For 2015's Most Anticipated Movies

16. How Explicit Is The Nudity? - Fifty Shades Of Grey

Release Date: February 13th The long-gestating adaptation of E.L. James' erotic Twilight fan-fiction novel finally hits cinemas in a few short months, and little discussion has actually revolved around the potential quality of the film, given that even those who can't wait to see it are likely aware it's unlikely to be very good. Instead, the discussions have primarily revolved around how graphic the movie's sex scenes will be, given its frank nature in the source material. Rather disconcertingly, a recent interview with Christian Grey himself, Jamie Dornan, suggested that there's no full frontal male nudity whatsoever, and that the sex scenes themselves are not going to be especially explicit. Given the wide expectation that Fifty Shades will be rated R, this is something of a surprise, and though Dornan implies that Universal are downplaying the sex to rope in a larger audience, wouldn't it just make sense to go the whole hog and give it a PG-13 rating in that case? Verdict: Apparently not very. If it really does get an R-rating and Dornan isn't lying (why would he?), expect some Dakota boobage and a lot of a** on display, but not much else.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.