18 Crucial Questions For 2018's Most Anticipated Movies

17. Will The Rock Become A Giant? - Rampage

Dwayne Johnson Rampage
Warner Bros.

With this video game adaptation revolving around The Rock attempting to subdue three King Kong-sized animals, can the filmmakers resist the temptation to have Dwayne Johnson himself become exposed to the material that caused the animals to grow in size?

The Likely Answer: The marketing for Rampage makes it clear that director Brad Peyton is acutely aware he's making an over-the-top B-movie trash-fest, so it's actually pretty easy to believe he'll go the whole barmy hog and have The Rock become a gigantic version of himself for the final stretch.

Audiences loved Giant Man in Captain America: Civil War, and this film clearly has the budget to pull it off, so why the hell not? Extra points if Johnson gives his oversized gorilla pal George a giant fist-bump before returning to normal size.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.