18 Crucial Questions For 2018's Most Anticipated Movies

16. Will Solo: A Star Wars Story Get Rotten Reviews?

Solo A Han Solo Story

With Solo: A Star Wars Story due for release in less than four months and Disney only starting to ramp up their marketing campaign, rumours are running rampant that the studio has already written it off.

As such, could Solo be the first mainline Star Wars movie to receive a Rotten critical rating since The Phantom Menace (which holds a middling 55%)?

The Likely Answer: As easy as it'd be to say yes, producer Kathleen Kennedy hasn't had a critical miss with the new batch of Star Wars movies yet, and evidently managed to whip Rogue One into shape despite a tumultuous production.

While it's hard to imagine Solo scoring rave reviews, it could very well land in the early-to-mid 60s, narrowly scrape a Fresh rating. It probably won't be Certified Fresh, though...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.