18 Directors Who Sneaked In References To Their Own Movies

9. Zack Snyder – Who Watches The Watchmen?

Social Network Fight Club
Warner Bros.

Zack Snyder’s 2016 superhero flick Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice admittedly wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea. In fact, some people – in particular, the judges at the 2017 Golden Raspberry Awards who bestowed it with seven nominations and four wins – thought it was the worst film of the year.

But it did feature a clever reference to one of Snyder’s much better movies for those that have a good command of Latin. During Batman and Superman’s fight scene, we see the words ‘quis custodiet ipsos custodes’ scrawled on a wall in graffiti, which translated means ‘who watches the watchmen’ – a nod to his 2009 film Watchmen, which also features the phrase a lot.

Any Snyder fans that splashed out on the Ultimate Edition cut of the movie were treated to couple more Watchmen related Easter eggs too. ‘The end is nigh’, another phrase featured in Watchmen, appears emblazoned in graffiti on a sign at Gotham Seaport while the phrase ‘who watches the watchmen’ is repeated again in a news article Clark Kent is reading.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.