18 Directors Who Sneaked In References To Their Own Movies

13. Steven Spielberg – Great White Sharks In Jurassic Park

Social Network Fight Club
Universal Pictures

Although Steven Spielberg has said he’ll be staying away from any self-referential gimmicks in his upcoming adaptation of Ready Player One (even though his films are referenced a tonne in the original book), he wasn’t quite so humble in his 1993 blockbuster Jurassic Park.

During a scene set in Jurassic Park’s control room, we see computer programmer turned dinosaur DNA smuggler Dennis Nedry sat at his desk doing whatever it is that computer programmers do. Program computers, maybe?

Behind Nedry on one of his computer screens eagle-eyed movie fans may have spotted that Jaws is actually playing, probably on a very rudimentary version of Windows Movie Player because this was this early 90s.

It’s a blink and you’ll miss it moment that only the most eagle-eyed among us would pick up on but a nice, if kind of narcissistic, nod to Spielberg’s first ever blockbuster.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.