18 Fast And Furious Easter Eggs You Never Noticed

2. Fast & Furious 6 Loves The Avengers

It's not enough that the series has a strange cosmic kinship with the X-Men movies, apparently, since Fast & Furious 6 has not one, not two, but three references to members of the Marvel Cinematic Universe throughout. And all of them centre of Dwayne €œThe Rock€ Johnson's Hobbs, weirdly enough. Guy didn't get to reference his own wrestling career until the new film, where he apparently does a Rock Bottom on someone. Anyway, the sixth film in the series appears to have even more Avengers Easter Eggs than Agents Of SHIELD has managed in its entire two-season run. Early on in the film, Roman is told that the gang are going to be working with Hobbs, and he quips €œSo now we work for The Hulk?€ That's reference numero uno. Later on, Hobbs himself goes to check out some CCTV footage, and the guy in charge of the surveillance cameras calls him Captain America. Finally, when Hobbs rings Tej's phone, his contact name is listed as €œSamoan Thor€. You'd think Johnson was angling for a job at Marvel or something €“ as it happens, he's sided with DC after all. Still, what could have been...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/