18 Guaranteed Ways To Have Your Film Buff Status Revoked
15. Downloading/Streaming A Film Illegally
Oh, sure, it saves money and it means that you don't have to step out into that weird thing everybody keeps referring to as "the world," but you also relentlessly lecture your friends about how they should pay to see movies and serve the industry. The industry that you're supposed to LOVE. Can we get a hypocrite warning up in here, ya'll? We can? Warning: hypocrite alert.
14. Recommending A Movie To Somebody That They End Up Hating
But you recommended Battleship Potemkin?! How could they not admire that? Doesn't matter - for the person who spent their Saturday night watching a pram going down some big steps instead of Transformers 2, you're dead to them. It doesn't matter how good your recommendation was in the long run, once you recommended a movie and your pal didn't respond to it, you're more "person with questionable, pretentious tastes" than "all-knowing film Jedi." Maybe it's better not to recommend anything.
13. Saying You Haven't Seen Something "Yet"
"Oh," thought your friend when you said you were yet to see The Wolf of Wall Street, despite the fact that it's been out for two weeks already. "Guess you can't be THAT much of a film buff." BUT YOU'VE BEEN SO BUSY!