18 Insanely Messed Up Movies You Might Not Be Able To Handle

10. Ichi The Killer

The House That Jack Built
Media Blasters

Hello again to Japan. This Takashi Miike-directed story of warring Yakuza gangs and the battle between two extremely disturbed assassins doesn't just push the envelope, it shoves it right off the table and into the shredder.

Is Ichi the Killer a good movie? Hell No. Migraine-inducing, convoluted, shallow, obnoxious, empty, meaningless, badly filmed, atrociously written, sickeningly misogynistic and generally insufferable, Ichi the Killer is one of the worst films you'll ever watch, but no-one could accuse it of being forgettable.

The opening shows a man beating and raping a woman while the titular characters watches through a window and masturbates; it stays at that level for the whole film.

People are dismembered with ludicrous amounts of gore, a man is tortured while hung from skin-piercing hooks, a woman has her nipples sliced off and there's also a horrible emphasis on rape. There are multiple scenes in the film in which women are battered, raped and then gruesomely murdered.

As if all of that wasn't bad enough, the titular character is a vulnerable, mentally ill man who is turned into a killer through some nasty psychological manipulations. Essentially, this is a film which just wants to upset you as much as possible and judging by how many countries have banned it, it's succeeded.

Think carefully before sitting down for this one.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.