18 Moments That Will Ruin Home Alone For You

7. The Worst Santa Ever

With Kevin starting to miss his family, he seeks solace in a festive staple: Santa Claus. Unfortunately for Kevin, the Santa that he finds is likely the worst excuse for Father Christmas that you€™ve ever seen. Looking about 17 years of age, smoking a cigarette, and moaning about a parking ticket for his clapped-out old Honda, this is far from the jolly Saint Nic that many kids envisage when thinking of Christmas. Seriously, this guy would make Billy Bob Thornton€™s Bad Santa look good. Then again, Kevin did get some free tic-tacs out of this whole encounter. Every cloud has a silver lining 'n' all that.
Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.