18 Scripts Wannabe Screenwriters Should Read Right Now

18. Lost In Translation (2003)

The Script: "A faded movie star and a neglected young woman form an unlikely bond after crossing paths in Tokyo." - IMDb What You'll Learn: Many are quick to brand Lost In Translation "boring," drawing attention to the fact that not a lot happens as a reason to dislike the movie... and as if focusing on two wonderful, very human characters isn't enough to warrant 90 minutes of their time. Sofia Coppola's approach to her Tokyo-based romance is "less is more," and her screenplay provides a valuable lesson in how to write dialogue that says one thing on the surface and something else entirely in the subtext. We learn so much about Bob and Charlotte without them ever having to spell it out for us, after all: Coppola's subtle, funny, controlled (and Oscar-winning) spec is a must read. You can read Sofia Coppola's script for Lost In Translation here.

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