18 Signs You're A True Rocky Horror Picture Show Fan

7. You've Been To More Shows Than You Can Count

The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a drug. When there€™s a chance for the ultimate fix, you€™re gonna take it.

That €œcatch up€ with a friend can wait: Riff Raff, Magenta and Columbia cannot.

6. You're Never Stuck For Movies To Watch

If in doubt, you know what to do.

5. You've Been To Oakley Court

If you haven't, you should. The very castle in which The Rocky Horror Picture Show was filmed is now a prestige hotel, which means... you got it... you can stay there. Many of the original filming areas are still there, including the staircase and the Griffins outside the main entrance. Just avoid turning up in full Rocky attire - you don't want to scare the guests.

4. You're Forever Scouring eBay For Rocky Horror Memorabilia

Too much Rocky Horror is never enough. Whether it's a rare Tim Curry signed photograph, Control Panel shower curtain, "Dammit Janet" thongs, or naughty Frank-N-Furter bear, you simply cannot resist clicking that "Buy Now" button. As for birthdays, friends and family are never short on gift ideas. Basically, anything with a pair of fabulous red lips on will do the job.

Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell