18 Worst Moments In Every MCU Movie (So Far) - Ranked
1. Selvig's Breakdown - Thor: The Dark World
The Film
Thor: The Dark World is generally regarded as the MCU's worst movie to date, and with damn good reason. By far the most forgettable and least essential of the 18 movies so far, it furthers the woeful love story between Thor and Jane, introduces a painfully naff villain in Malekith (Christopher Eccleston), and forces viewers to suffer through more of Darcy's irritating quipping.
On top of all this, it doesn't even look good visually, and Loki's "good-but-not-really" act is eye-rollingly predictable by this point.
The Moment
Though Dr. Selvig is no longer under Loki's mind control, he's still suffering heavily with the residual effects, ending up institutionalised after running around Stonehenge in the nude.
The MCU's brand of humour isn't always super-sophisticated, but this felt like especially low-hanging fruit, and you can only really praise Stellan Skarsgård for agreeing to do it in the first place.
It's the most embarrassing subplot in a film that's rife with them. Oof.
Which moments do you think are the worst in the MCU's movies so far? Share your suggestions below in the comments thread.