19 Awesome Movie Cameos Nobody Saw Coming

8. Hulk Hogan - Gremlns 2: The New Batch

Gremlins 2 Hulk Hogan
Warner Bros.

Gremlins 2 is absolutely jam-packed with cameos, but the best just might be an at-the-peak-of-his-powers Hulk Hogan, who is watching Gremlins 2 itself at the cinema when a gang of the monsters overrun the projectionist's booth and start running amok.

An usher brings Hogan's attention to it, at which point he, kitted out in full ring gear complete with the WWF Title, stands up from his seat and starts cutting a promo on the critters.

He asks them, "Do you think the Gremsters can stand up to the Hulkster?" and implores them to run the rest of Gremlins 2, after which he looks directly at the camera and says, "Sorry folks, it won't happen again."

If you saw this movie as a kid, the Hogan cameo was basically too awesome for your little mind to fully comprehend.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.