19 MCU Actors Who Were Also In LOST

14. Shaun Toub

Mr Eko Kurse
Marvel Studios

On Lost: He appeared in season three's "Enter 77," a Sayid-centric episode that saw Toub's character Sami lure Sayid to his restaurant only to spring a trap on behalf of his wife, who years before had been one of Sayid's many torture victims back in Iraq and had recognized him while out in public.

In the MCU: Toub had a pivotal role in the original Iron Man as Ho Yinsen, Tony Stark's fellow captive in Afghanistan. Together, the two men built the Mark I Iron Man armor that allowed Stark to escape from the Ten Rings, though Yinsen was killed in the process. He later had a cameo during the opening scene of Iron Man 3.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!