20 'Controversial' Movies Everyone Completely Over-Reacted To

12. A Clockwork Orange

Team America Sex Scene
Warner Bros.

The Film:

A Clockwork Orange, Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece and a chilling look at violence, delinquency, mind control and psychology. While insanely unpleasant, it is also more or less a perfect movie.

The Controversy:

One of the most controversial films of them all, ACO was seen as highly graphic at the time. Following various allegations of copycat crimes, Kubrick himself withdrew the film from release in Britain. For nearly 30 years it was hard to see the film in Britain, but after Kubrick's death it was re-released.

Why It Was Wrong:

The fact that people had to wait for so many years to see such a great film is slightly heart-breaking. Violent acts in real life should not be blamed on cinema (As Kubrick himself stated in one of the most eloquent arguments in the history of the screen violence debate). People should've realized that the reason the film was so disturbing was because it was well-written and that the disturbing content was in aid of making a serious point.

The film's violence doesn't seem too bad today, especially in an era of films like Saw and Hostel, so it's aged awkwardly in that regard. The reason it's still so disturbing is because of the psychological power of the film.

Sure, it was over 40 years ago, but no film should be blamed for causing murder and no piece of art should be trashed for using dark themes to get its point across. People should've realized that even back then.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.