20 Actor Nationalities You've Been Getting Wrong All Your Life

12. Toni Collette

"Okay, yeah, she's good in everything, and I've heard her speaking in a really, really good English accents and a really, really good American accent. Which means she must be English, right? 'Cause English actors do really, really good American accents, but American accents only do okay English ones. Please confirm my prejudices." No, We Won't... Toni Collette is Australian, through and through, and was born in Blacktown, New South Wales. She's a master of accents, though, so it's no wonder you got yourself all in a muddle.

11. Natalie Portman

"I saw Natalie Portman talking in an American accent when she was a kid, and I can therefore deduce - using awesome detective skills - that the kid is American. So there. Case solved." You're Only Half Right... Natalie Portman actually holds a dual citizen and is both Israeli and American. She was born in Jerusalem to an American mother and an Israeli father. Her name isn't actually Natalie Portman, either: it's Hershlag (no, not Hershlag Portman - the other way round, silly).
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