20 Alternative 2017 Movie Awards

18. Best Cameo - Matt Damon (Thor: Ragnarok)

2017 Movie Awards 2
Marvel Studios

The most WTF moment in a movie absolutely full of them, Matt Damon's cameo during the first act of Thor: Ragnarok worked so brilliantly because it was so unexpected. In a time where movie spoilers are so easily accessible, it is incredible that Marvel managed to keep it under wraps as well as they did.

In fact, Damon's cameo as Loki in an Asgardian play came so out of the blue that it took a little bit of the shine off the other two background players. In a nice bit of meta casting, oldest Hemsworth brother Luke plays his little brother's signature character, while previous Taika Waititi collaborator Sam Neill completes the cast as Odin.

The brief scene helped set the tone for the wacky full-blown space comedy that the movie was about to become, and brought a welcome surprise to the frequently predictable Marvel Cinematic Universe.


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