20 Amazing Posters For Movies You Haven't Seen

10. Blindness (2008)

Blindness sees a young Japanese professional suddenly struck blind - describing his condition as an expanse of dazzling white, as though he is "swimming in milk". Suddenly, the blindness spreads and an entire city is ravaged by the epidemic, known as "white blindness". The first people effected by it are quarantined by the authorities and held in an abandoned mental hospital where the newly created "society of the blind" quickly breaks down. In spite of its cast including Mark Ruffalo, Julianne Moore and Danny Glover, it's a fairly little known movie. The poster depicts the white haze that might be experienced by the victims and cleverly spells out the title in the form of an eye test chart.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.