20 Amazing Posters For Movies You Haven't Seen

1. Art & Copy (2009)

Art and Copy is a documentary film which focuses on the advertising industry in the United States of America. It follows the careers of a number of high-profile individuals involved in advertising and a number of famous campaigns including Nike's "Just Do It" campaign and the famous "Got Milk?" campaign to encourage the consumption of cow's milk. With the appropriate tagline of "creativity can solve anything" on it, the poster is extremely creative itself, as it depicts a drawn picture of a rocket launch, with the "rocket" actually being the pencil that drew the picture. So there you have it - twenty amazing posters for movies nobody has heard of. Did you enjoy this article? Did you like the entries in the list? Which other little-known movies had great posters? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. And please feel free to follow K.J. on Twitter!
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.