20 Badass Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes

10. True Lies (1994)

Arnold Schwarzenegger Hamlet
20th Century Fox

"You're fired."

James Cameron's tongue-in-cheek spy caper is one of the most entertaining blockbusters of the 1990's, not to mention one of the best movies of Arnold Schwarzenegger's career. Wildly over-the-top and full of memorable characters and spectacular action sequences, Art Malik's villain Aziz is given a send-off as fittingly absurd as the rest of the movie.

In an attempt to rescue his daughter from the clutches of the Crimson Jihad terrorist group, Arnie's Harry Tasker obviously commandeers a Harrier jet to get the job done, a turn of events that leads to Aziz becoming trapped on one of the jet's missiles, dangling precariously high above ground level. After a well-timed quip, Tasker fires the missile with Aziz still attached, right through another building and into another helicopter packed with his henchmen, taking out the bad guys and saving the day in one fell swoop.


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