20 Badass Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes

5. Predator (1987)

Arnold Schwarzenegger Hamlet
20th Century Fox

"You are one ugly motherf**ker."

After spending the majority of the movie picking of an elite Special Forces squad one by one, you would think that it would be an unwise move to antagonise the Predator. But that's exactly what Dutch does when the creature's face is revealed in all of its glory, with a quip that both infuriates the extra-terrestrial hunter and probably lowers its self-esteem in the process.

Right before the climactic showdown between hero and villain, Stan Winston's incredible practical effects are revealed, all slimy features and twitching mandibles. While commenting on the Predator's appearance is probably a bad idea given the fact that you're about to try and kick its ass, the line quickly became an iconic one and would make an appearance in every Predator movie to date in at least some variation.

No one delivered it quite like Arnold Schwarzenegger though.


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