20 Badass Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes

4. Commando (1985)

Arnold Schwarzenegger Hamlet
20th Century Fox

"Let off some steam, Bennett."

Are there any 1980's action movie villains less threatening than Vernon Wells' Bennett? Chewing the scenery with reckless abandon, the supposedly brutal ex-soldier is in fact an overacting, out of shape, mustachioed and (for some inexplicable reason) chain-mail vest-wearing caricature. Still, these facts only serve to enhance Commando's endlessly enjoyable over-the-top action.

Of course, the climactic bout of fisticuffs between the former comrades also results in one of the greatest payoff lines of Arnie's career. After unwisely deciding that he doesn't need no stinking knife to win, Bennett meets his demise when Matrix casually hurls a pipe through his chest, which for some reason continues to billow out steam despite the fact it is impaled through an overweight Australian man's chest.


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