20 BDSM Movies More Provocative Than Fifty Shades Of Grey

16. Blue Velvet

David Lynch's classic movie Blue Velvet is today widely considered one of the greatest films made by this unconventional director and perhaps one of the finest movies to emerge from the 1980s. Delving into the dark underbelly of America, beneath the picket fences which present an image of respectability, it reveals a world of domination and cruelty. Dennis Hopper's performance saw him return from the movie wilderness in true style, his psychopathic character Frank Booth one of the greatest screen villains of all time. While Lynch isn't primarily concerned with issues relating to BDSM it is touched on most evidently in Booth's relationship with Dorothy Vallens (Isabella Rossellini). Blue Velvet is a deeply symbolic tour de force of cinema not to be missed.

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