20 BDSM Movies More Provocative Than Fifty Shades Of Grey

15. Belle De Jour

If David Lynch mines the shadowy realms of contemporary America's mass subconscious, Louis Buñuel is something of a master of highlighting the hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie in twentieth century Europe. Belle De Jour - perhaps his most famous film - approaches this critique through the eyes of a bored housewife who takes it upon herself to become a prostitute. Catherine Deneuve's radiant performance as Séverine Serizy is central to the film's success - few actresses have achieved such an iconic level in the history of cinema. Buñuel amplifies the eroticism by subversively blurring the line between reality and fantasy, giving the sadism and masochism a hint of surrealism which renders the film somewhat ethereal. It's another masterpiece of cinema which touches on BDSM issues with depth and maturity.

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